Lee Seung Yul

082) 10 4006 0735

2022~ 홍익대학교 일반대학원 디자인공예학과 사진학 박사과정
2021   홍익대학교 일반대학원 디자인학부 사진전공 졸업
2019   순천대학교 사진예술학과 졸업

2022 <A Very Flat Sculpture> FF Seoul, 서울
2021 <Winking Aiming Shooting>, 모노세, 서울
2019 <Camouflage>, Y.ART 갤러리, 서울 

2023 한국사진영상학회 국제 사진영상전시회 <New Photographic Image>, 봉산문화회관, 대구
2023 <Dummy Book Dummie>, FF Seoul, 서울
2023 <제9회 대한민국국제포토페스티벌 ‘The New Wave 뉴웨이브 : 새로운 물결’>,  예술의전당 한가람미술관, 서울
2023 <구구이삼 : 사진비평상 24년의 기록>, 충무로갤러리, 서울
2023 <볕 든 응달>, Curator’s Atelier 49, 서울
2022 <Launching-Final Frontier>, FF Seoul, 서울
2021 <제18회 사진비평상 수상자전>, 루시다갤러리, 진주
2021 <제18회 사진비평상 수상자전>, KP갤러리, 서울
2021 <픽셀제너레이션>, 안테룸 서울 Gallery 9.5, 서울
2020 <사이거리>, Y.ART 갤러리, 서울
2020 <원숭이에서 비행기까지>, THE REFERENCE, 서울
2019 <서울, 공간’ 사진전>, Y.ART 갤러리, 서울
2018 <대구사진 비엔날레 사진학과 연합전, ‘New-Infinity’>, 대구문화예술회관, 대구
2018 <돈의문박물관마을 신진작가 그룹전, ‘날선 낯선 展>, 돈의문박물관 G4갤러리, 서울
2018 <KUMA미술관 기획전, ‘273-8#4’>, KUMA 미술관, 의왕 

2020 서울특별시청 문화본부 박물관과
2020 국립현대미술관 정부미술

[수상 및 선정]
2023 IMA Next : THEME #44 TRICK Winners, IMA-NEXT JAPAN, Japan
2022 제 6회 부산국제사진제 포트폴리오 리뷰 우수 작가 선정, BIPF x Curator's Atelier 49, 한국
2021 제18회 사진비평상 수상, 사진비평상 운영위원회, 한국

2022~ Currently pursuing in Ph.d, Design/Craft and Photographic Design at Hongik University

2021 Hongik University General Graduate School, Photography (M.F.A)
2019 Graduated Sunchon National University, Photography Arts

[Solo Exhibition]
2022 <A Very Flat Sculpture> FF Seoul, Seoul, Korea
2021 <Winking Aiming Shooting>, Monose, Seoul, Korea
2019 <camouflage>, Y.ART Gallery, Seoul, Korea

[Group Exhibition]

2023 The International Exhibition of the Society of Modern Photography & Video, <New Photographic Image>, BONGSAN Cultural Center, Daegu, Korea
2023 <Dummy Book Dummie>, FF Seoul, Seoul, Korea
2023 <KOREA INTERNATIONAL PHOTO FESTIVAL: ‘The New Wave’>, Seoul Arts Center Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2023 <Korean Photography 1999-2023 : A Record of 24 Years of Photography Criticism Awards>, CHUNGMURO GALLERY, Seoul, Korea

2023 <THE SILVER LININGS>, Curator’s Atelier 49, Seoul, Korea
2022 <Launching-Final Frontier>, FF Seoul, Seoul, Korea
2021 <18th Photography Criticism Awards Winner Exhibition>, LUCIDA Gallery, Jinju, Korea
2021 <18th Photography Criticism Awards Winner Exhibition>, KP Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2021 <PIXEL GENERATION> Anteroom 9.5 Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2020 <The Distance from A to B>, Y.ART Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2020 <From Monkey To Plane>, THE REFERENCE, Seoul, Korea
2019 <‘Seoul, Space’ Photo Exhibition>, Y.ART Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2018 <Daegu Photo Biennale Union of Department of Photography Exhibition, ‘New-Infinity’>, Daegu Art Center, Daegu, Korea
2018 <Donuimun Museum Village Emergint Artists Group Exhibition ‘날선 낯선 展’>, Donuimun Museum G4 Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2018 <KUMA Art Museum Exhibition ‘273-8#4’>, KUMA Art Museum, Uiwang, Korea

2020 Culture Headquarters of Seoul Metropolitan Government
2020 Korea National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Government Art Bank

2023 IMA Next : THEME #44 TRICK Winners, IMA-NEXT JAPAN, Japan
2022 Selected as an excellent portfolio in 6th Busan International Photo Festival Portfolio Review, BIPF x Curator's Atelier 49, Busan, Korea
2021 18th Photography Criticism Awards

graduated from Sunchon National University with a bachelor’s degree in Photography Arts, and currently is an MFA student in Photography at Hongik University’s General Graduate School. He works disassembling the space that has been reworked socially with an interest in the topic. He disassembled and conflicted the social perspective of a public and private space by installing his former work in an outdoor space, which he photographed the wallpaper of a brothel. Currently, he explores the structural boundary between an actual existing building and a virtual space by his work of creating a virtual space and shooting them.